Saturday, December 21, 2013

Iceland's Latest Musical Sensation? Ásgeir Trausti----Dýrð Í Dauðaþögn


The little country that could.

First there was Bjork and the Sugarcubes. Then there were bands like Múm, Unun, Kolrassa Krókríðandi, and eventually we learned of bands like Minus, Maus, Singapore Sling. Sigur Ros was the big breakthrough. And there are new bands coming out like Monsters and Men and Hjaltalín, just to name a few!

But maybe the next ice storm is on the immediate horizon. I'm talking about Ásgeir Trausti, a 21 year old who is the hottest star right now in the Icelandic music scene. I don't know if sales mean anything at all, but his 1st album Dýrð Í Dauðaþögn, which according to google translate means the cheerful "Glory in the Silence of Death", is the best selling album in the history of Iceland.

No, it's not Death Metal. Not by a long shot. Not Sadcore per se. Not a Joy Division tribute.

My best characterization of the music would be "folk pop". Most of the songs on this record sound like they are spare songs, constructed with acoustic guitar finger picking and voice, then embellished in the manner of Nick Drake's orchestrated albums from the 1970's, with strings, rhythms, horn added on to the core of the song. But the music is also updated to include more modern touches, reflecting modern recording changes and new technology. There are also a few songs on the album that have a more soulful RnB quality to them. I find that there is an intimacy and introspective quality to the music that reminds me of Elliott Smith's work. But having said this, Ásgeir is a singular talent. He has a pretty amazing voice, with a big range. If their was such a thing (and there probably is) as the equivalent of Iceland Idol, I would like his chances if he was an unknown amateur competing.

But keep your ears peeled. Come Febuary there will be a lot morebuzz and hype about Ásgeir Trausti. An English language variant of Dýrð Í Dauðaþögn, entitled In the Silence will be released---then the quest for worldwide domination begins in earnest! I have not heard the reworked music yet but if the quality is maintained from the original work, I think he will impress a lot of people.

And this is just his first album. Not bad for a 21 year old!

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