Sunday, June 17, 2012

What is this Thing That's Happening to Me? Northern Portrait's Matinee EPs

Today I'm listening to two eps from a talented band from Copenhagen, Denmark, Northern Portrait. In 2008 they released 2 EPs on the Matinee Label, who seem to scout the world for pop music excellence. The Fallen Aristocracy and Napoleon Sweetheart. They are a terrific sounding group, with a polished accomplished sound.

And if you are a super fan of The Smiths, you're prayers are probably answered. Or they're the next best thing, anyway. It's a pretty great thing that people can find out about great bands like this so much easier these days. I remember how hard it was for me to get Flying Nun records so many years ago, even when I knew of them!

Northern Portrait is:

Stefan Larsen--Vocals
Michael Sorenson-Drums
Rune Reholt--Guitar
Caspar Bock Sorenson: Bass

I have not heard their debut album but I like what I hear on these EPs. For a band just starting out they sound superb, beginning with the assured tortured vocals of Stefan Larsen. Haven't bought their debut album from 2010 yet, Criminal Art Lovers. It's probably just a matter of time.

The first song on Aristocracy is a winner, Crazy (Or Cray-see, as Stefan sings it), the first song ever written and recorded by the band. I guess it's a song about being yourself rather than trying to fit into a niche. And a fair dollop of Carpe Diem. Not bad at all for the first time around. A gorgeous hook filled shimmery jangle.

But these are EPs are value filled--buying them is like getting a single with 4 A-sides. I think that you find the group progressing somewhat on Napoleon Sweetheart, released 5 months later, but there is a fresh directness in Fallen Aristocracy that is quite appealing. Sweetheart sounds a little more polished, more confident. Maybe a little too much yodelly falsetto, the kind people in those television singing contests fall prey to. And you could also say that they have gotten better at being the Smiths. But they deserve a lot of credit for making music that sounds this great!

I Give You Two Seconds to Entertain Me is an example of what I'm saying. It's similar to what I've said about LA's Blasters, a modern Rockabilly group that became so good at what they did that their songs surpassed mere emulation of their predecessors, performing original tunes on a par with the original greats. You know where Two Seconds is going, but it is with so much panache and great lyrics that it doesn't really matter anymore. Another nice one is the paean to boredom In An Empty Hotel. The song completing the EP, Our Lambresco Days, is another emotional jangle, a nice song to sit back and listen to on a quiet Sunday.

I think if this band sticks together they could do a lot of good things. People as talented as this won't be content merely emulating a stellar band. No doubt they will find their own sound as other bands have before. Every great artist has started out painting a bowl of fruit, or making a copy of that turtle in those art school ads you find in magazines. But eventually they push the envelope, finding new influences, and having enough bravery to inject more of themselves into the equation. It boils down to talent and effort. And persistence of course.

I just ordered a Matinee Christmas EP on which Northern Portrait has contributed a song. What can I say? An atheist with a Christmas fetish isn't that weird, is it?

I would definitely advise you to give these guys consideration if you are into sad jangly pop like The Smiths. The pleasure will be all yours.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Listening to a song from The Fallen Aristocrat EP (for the tenth time now).

    Have you heard of Mew? (I think Frengers contains some of their best work)
