Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beretmania!!! Les Breastfeeders--Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe

I've been occupied this week with an album new to me, but from 2004, from a great sounding band from Montreal, Les Breastfeeders. This would be their first album, Dejeuner Sur L'Herbe. This is a 60's Nuggetts styled garage album, with energy, replete with swirling Farfisa, with lots of attitude, entirely sung in French. In addition to the uptempo numbers, there are also some moody ballads led by Suzie McLelove on voix.

Despite rampant election season fears that we are slowly turning French here in the old US of A, I have enough self-confidence to enjoy a superb French language album while proudly maintaining American citizenship. If you are not of the same ilk, simply refer to the music as "freedom rock", rather than "chanson". Like during that North Korean dustup, when we were calling Kimchi "Constitutional Convention" cabbage. Honestly I don't have a clue what they are singing about, but I know great classic garage rock, and this is it, like the Fleshtones, or The Dirtbombs. Fun, good time, party music.

The Band:

Luc Brien: guitare rhythmique, voix, choeur
Suzie McLelove: 2nd guitare, voix, choeur
Joe: basse, choeur
Kiki Boone: batterie
Johnny Maldoror: tambourine
Sunny Duval: 1st guitare, choeur

Right from the outset, with the tune Mini jupe et watusi, I knew I was going to really like this. Then the second song, J'pourrais pas vivre avec toi came, and I liked the album twice as much as before. Great raspy crooning from Luc Brien. I needed the 3rd song Laisse autant le vent tour emporter to cool down a bit, featuring the sultry vocals of Suzie Mclelove. She is also terrific on Amoureux Solitaires an uptempo Ramonesy sounding number. But there is something for everybody here. Check out the scorching garage-surf instrumental Miserats!! Another great number here is the tough rocking tune Y a rien a faire. I think you get the idea. I feel like hopping in my car right and heading north to Hockeyland right now! Believe me, I've only been to Montreal once, and its such an amazing city. I really had the best time there. I really have to go back and see how it looks sober.

Yes they have a tambourine master. How amazing is that! No digital tambourine for these guys. Johnny Maldoror---one word---wow.

But unfortunately, the band is touring in France right now, so I have to exercise patience for the time being. Just know that on the bands website, you can pick up all of their CDs (their new one Danse le guele des jours, and their 2nd, Les Matins des Grand Soirs) or get digital downloads at a very reasonable price. If you enjoy this kind of music, you really can't go wrong here. Do yourself a favor and check these guys out!

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